Comparison of Notation

Western Notationsare

C = Do

D = Re

E = Mi

F = Fa

G = So

A = La

B = Ti

Indian Notation

All these notes are derived from the voice of some animals and birds: Comparison of C D E F to Sa Re Ga Ma:

C = Sa= सा Full name Shadaj षडज It is derived from voice of Peacock (मोर)

D = Re= रे Full name Rishabh रिषभ It is derived from voice of Papiha (पपीहा)

E = Ga= ग Full name Gandhar गन्धार It is derived from voice of Goat (बकरा)

F = Ma= म Full name Madhyam मध्यम It is derived from voice of Crane (बगुला )

G = Pa= प Full name Pancham पंचम It is derived from voice of Koccoo ( कोयल )

A = Dha= ध Full name Dhaiwat धैवत It is derived from voice of Frog (मेंढक)

B = Ni= नि ( नि =नी) Full name Nishad निषाद It is voice of Elephant (हाथी)

C = Sa= सां (Higher Sa)

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  • Dr Vijay says:
    3 December 2015 at 06:21

    I wish that the notations of songs be given for harmonium using sa re ga ma.